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The Global Trend: Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate - About Us

“CSR is about companies achieving commercial success in ways that honour ethical values and respect people, communities and the natural environment.”

‘Business for Social Responsibility’ by Allen L. White

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has gradually become a core business strategy in Hong Kong. Though previously seen as a “bonus”, it has evolved into an essential move to build a good corporate image and customer loyalty.

Many multinational firms have take an early step to practice CSR, but it is still a novel concept within the local community. If you want to know more about CSR, ACT social awareness programmes will be the right place to start. We can help you identify needy social groups and come up with specific CSR plans.

What is so special about ACT?

Corporate - About Us

Many participants say that they become more motivated in their work after joining our programme. They now take greater pride in their company for its contribution to society.

ACT is no typical corporate training. We believe that you and your staff are capable of more than team-building, leadership or soft skills development . A unique discovery of social issues and corporate social responsibility is what we sincerely offer.

Many participants said that they became more motivated in their work after joining our programme. They now take greater pride in their company for its contribution and commitment to society. This gives them a greater sense of accomplishment, because it brings them intrinsic happiness. While our emphasis is not placed on team-building or leadership, our participants can develop these qualities through our group activities.

ACT will also give you a different perspective and attitude in work, society and life.

In ACT social awareness programmes, you will be amazed to see how different others’ lives can be. Some of them may be the underprivileged, but others may be as well-off as you and me, just that they earn a living in ways you did not expect to see in Hong Kong, such as, farming and fishing.

Whatever that is, you and your staff will find ACT social awareness programmes both challenging and rewarding. Let's step out of our comfort zones and discover important social issues in Hong Kong!
